The Impatient and the Paranoid - Startups Sketch 0002

The Impatient and the Paranoid - Startups Sketch 0002

(1.5m)   by the.designer

Comedy Skits   (21069 Views 2 Comments)

The gloomy office is filled by the tapping sound of Jack?s feet. His jerking knees is unstoppable. JACK

They said they?ll arrive at exactly 3:00 o?clock. What time it is?


20 seconds passed 3. Oh God, Please let them be ok.


I should have swallow that cookies by now? But no, they made me wait.

He snap his finger on the air.


Another second wasted.


What if they caught in an accident. Oh! no, we will not get the project. How should I tell my mom.


Accident˜,we will let go of the project. We cannot work with people who uses accidents as an excuse. They?re not Hitler.


They?re not answering the phone. I hope, they?re OK. Oh guardian angle of safety guide them please.


How irresponsible, how hard it is answer the phone? If I?m the devil I will sack them.


It?s possibly a traffic, they?re caught in a grid lock, oh no, rush hour,I hope their bladders are ok.


Traffic, rush hour. it?s the city, it?s expected.. There?s always another route. I hope their bladders are full so that they?ll rush their way here.


3:01 PM Oh, now how can I face the team. What should I tell them.


3:01 PM I?m not signing anymore. No way. The team will not tolerate tardiness. They?re not the President.


No! Do they back out, not again, what?s wrong this time? Is it my breath?


They had the guts to backout? All they have are belly fats.

Jack looks at the watch.


No compensation for it. Time cannot be replaced by money. Not me.


I should have spend more quality time with them. Now it?s too late it can only happen in dreams.

Door (OS)


The sound of a knock hits the office wooden door. Tracy opens the door.


(tension released. smooth and melodic voice)

What took you so long? I?m worried sick for waiting.

The late comers enter the office.



What took you so long! I?m worried sick for waiting.

(tension released.)

Comedy Type: Script Length: Post date: Script Market:

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Submitted by Baes R. Poop (not verified) on Fri, 06/19/2015 - 09:31
Hiii (: Jk I didn't read this but good job on creativity (: Love Jesus. He will save you. Trust that He died for you and that He IS alive and that He is you Savior and you will have everlasting life!!!
Submitted by Fine Art Critic 1979 (not verified) on Thu, 10/01/2015 - 15:33
I love a story resolution for these piece. I leave after read this with a rael sense of competition and closhure.

1.5m Comedy Skits - The Impatient and the Paranoid - Startups Sketch 0002