Living to Perform, Wanting Desperately to Perform

Living to Perform, Wanting Desperately to Perform

jdgauthier1    from Joe Gauthier's Comedy Zone

(7470 Views 1 Comments)

About 12 years ago I was in a accident that fractured my skull, did damage to my right ear drom and shattered my right ankle. The results of this accident are still in my dreams yet today. After finally being released from 2 weeks in the hospital I spent nearly a month in bed or well basically off my feet. As you might imagine I spen't alot of time watching tv and more specifally comedy central. I fell in love with the art of stand up comedy.

Now it's nearly 12 years later and to be honest with everyone I've dreamed about performing but yet never have. The mid sized town that I live in n longer has a comedy club, and very few places have open mic's. Well just so to eliminate the thought that I'm just a dreamer and very lazy. I am now taking actions to make sure that I get a shot on stage. I am forming a Comedy team that will feature stand up comedy, sketch comedy, and improv as well as musical parody's.

I'm able to do this now because of the place that I work. Although severly under paid for the kind of work that I do (who isn't in this economy) the Park Place Hotel has meeting rooms and when they are not booked I can use them to meet with the team and reherse my material.

I'm sure that the team when finally formed will be successful in the Traverse City area. However I don't won't to be confined to just a single city and the surrounding are'as. I would love to think that we can produce a show that could go out on a full tour of the us, and then who know's the world.

Heck if your going to dream, why not dream big?

Thank's for reading. If your interested in the team and would like to see what we can do we will put video's online at the website visit my profile


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Good luck on your endeavors!