Hey There Taxi Guy!

Hey There Taxi Guy!

(10m)   by Avery Sommerfeld

Comedy Skits   (46436 Views 0 Comments)

Hey There Taxi Guy! By Eatsomefries


Jerry ? Jerry is 78 years old and hates to travel. He lives alone in in his Seattle apartment with his cat Spokes. He is in poor health, and he's a very rude and difficult owner and boss of the Super Tastey and Delicious Pie Factory.

Lance ? Lance is a 28 years old man. He is single and has no friends. He is extremely loyal to Jerry and is the Chief Saleman of the Super Tastey and Delicious Pie Factory. He is socially awkward and afraid of people; he stutters, has turrettes, and has difficulty talking to people other than his boss Jerry.

Larka ? Larka drives a cab for a living. He's a carefree and happy man and claims his cab is magical.

Yorri ? Yorri is a very friendly and flirtatious obese woman.

Drive-Thru Tailor ? The drive-thru tailor is a good friend of Larka's.

Solie ? Solie is an old wizard with a bad temper.

(Lights go up on the scene).

Scene: Jerry and Lance are leaving the JFK airport in New York city and they're trying to decide whether or not they should take a cab or rent a car to go to their 9:30 meeting in New Jersey where Jerry plans to sell the factory.


What's faster Lance...renting a car or taking a cab? Oh, my back is killing me. Damn! It's 9:00 already...we have to be at that meeting by 9:30. Shit! It looks like we're not gonna to make it!

(Lance answers worriedly)

Sa sir, I think a cab...Cheese Crack Whore!...wa would definitely be faster.

(Jerry snarls at Lance)

I don't want any cheese crackers Lance! Now's not the time for food for Christ's sake!

(Lance snivels and stutters back to Jerry)

Na no sir! Excuse me sir, but there's a cab, Should sha should we get in...Footloose!?

(Jerry gets angrier)

Faster? I can hardly walk! Hand me my cane...oh my back!
(Jerry hobbles into the cab and Lance follows him)


Hello sirs...I put luggage in trunk. Where you want go? I am bestest fastest magical cab driver in New York city!


If you can't get us there before 9:30, then forget it!


Oh...I get you there before or I give you my cab.


Fine...fine...just take us to 2130 Riverton Road in New Jersey. I have an important meeting there. How much to get us there before 9:30?


I give you good deal...only two hundred dollars for bestest fastest magical cab ride. You enjoy!


Ta two hundred dollars! Smelly underarms...too much!


Your young friend insults me sir! I shower every day... I assure you!


Shut up and just pay the man Lance. I'm tired.


But you must sign contract first!


Contract! Lance... read the contract! I'm tired and it's too late to look for another cabbie.


Sa...sir. It says that we're in a magical cab...and never to tell anyone about what ha ha ha happens during our ride. Ha...hard...pecker-wood!


Dammit! It can't be that hard Lance! Let me see that damned thing! I don't have time for some crazy cab driver...I've got pies to sell.
(Jerry signs the contract without reading it and hands it back to the cabbie).


You are good man Mr. Jerry. I have ten kids at home...every bit helps to feed them. Thank you sir!


Geez! You people are all the same. Couldn't you have stopped after 2 or 3?


Oh no! I love all my kids. But soon there will be 9. The oldest is age when we I need to get rid of him. He eats too much too.


You sick bastard! What are you gonna do with him?


Eat him...of course! He will be delicious!


Pa pig popsicles! Da da da don't your na na nipples ga get suspicious?


My nipples are extremely sensitive Mr. Lance but...nobody's ever said they were suspicious.


I'm sa sorry...I ma meant your na neighbors.


Oh no! We invite neighbors for big party when we roast kid...they loveit! And they all have sensitive nipples too! Probably from eating kids.


You're disgusting! How can you do that to your own flesh and blood? Your own children for Christ's sake!


Child? You think I talk about children...no no no! It goat silly man.
(The cabbie looks at the contract).


Mr. Lance...you did not sign contract...you must sign too.


Lance! Sign the stupid contract!
(Lance looks concerned but takes the contract from the cabbie).


Ya ya..ya yes sir.
(Lance signs the contract and hands it back to the cabbie. Afterward, the doors all lock and the windows go completely dark).


Wa wa what's going on...why can't I sa sa see out the windows, and the da doors wa won't open! Douchebags!


Stop worrying about your bag Lance...it's in the trunk! Why did the door lock!?
(Jerry trys to open the door...but can't).


I da da don't know sa sir!
(The cab lurches forward and both Jerry and Lance are pushed back in their seats).


Quiet please...buckle seat belts Mr. Jerry...Mr. Lance. I will take you to your meeting, but first I must make stop. Cousin Yorri needs a ride to her Yoga lesson.


Yoga lesson! That's crazy! Where's she live for Christ's sake?


Newark. Why do you ask Mr. Jerry?


Newark!! That's too far! Let me out of this damned cab! Let me out...let me out!


Did you not read contract? You cannot leave until you get to your meeting. But do not worry...we are at cousin Yorri's apartment now.


But its only been a few seconds...this is some kind of trick. I can't see out the windows!˜
(The door pops open and an extremely obese woman with a huge backside and huge breasts quickly squeezes herself into the cab while holding an ice cream cone in her left hand and a book under her right arm. Then the door quickly shuts).


Larka...what took ya so long?
(Jerry sees a large patch of acne on Yorri's neck as the ice cream drips on Jerry's pants).

Larka (Cabbie)

Aye...I got me some fares here gonna be ridin with us today!
(Larka points to Jerry and Lance).


Well...as long as I get to me yoga class...then its okay by me! They're very cute...and I like this one. I'm takin him home to meet ma?
(Yorri pinches Jerry on cheek).

(Jerry brushes off the ice cream from his pants and moves his head away fromYorri).

Take me home! Not in a million years for Christ's sake! And we don't have any time for yoga lessons! Parka or whatever your name is...I demand you take us to our hotel this instant! I need to get to my meeting...and this woman's ruined my custom tailored suit with her ice cream. What kind of crappie cab is this!?


It not crappie...it bestest fastest magica cab. I stop by tailor friend...he make you new suit.
(Jerry's face crinkles with anger and he starts yelling).


Aaaaaaaaaayeee! Lance...move out of the way! Let me out of here! Let me out...let me out! Damn it! I want to get out this cab! I'm through!


Calm down Mr. Jerry...we at drive-thru tailor! You be happy now.
(Larka rolls down his window).

Drive-Thru Tailor

Aye Larka mon...how are the bitches doing...I heard Moka was not feelin well?
(Yori finishes her ice cream with one large bite and starts staring at Lance, Jerry snarls angrily, and Lance quivers while the Drive-Thru Tailor is talking).


Yes my friend. My dear Moka was very ill so I took her out quietly...then I buried her in me back yard. I still have plenty of other bitches, and they are all wonderful. I built a special room to keep the six of dem locked up while I'm gone so that they don't run away...they're very happy.


Bitches...you people never suprise me! You're sick! Is that how you talk about them...like they're your objects? And you lock them in a room...geez! You're one sick bastard!


What? I treat my bitches very well Mr. Jerry. They get plenty of food and lots of love. I make sure to spend plenty of special love time with each of them every day.


Yes...I've seen it. Larka's a strong man...he's able to love them all every day.


You're telling me you're having sex with six women every day...and this Yorri woman watches you! You're a pig! Let me out of this cab...let me out! Let me out!


Sex? No no Mr. Jerry. You think my bitches are women? No, no...they are dogs my friend.

Drive-Thru Tailor

Oh my! He thought your bitches were ladies! Thay very funny Larka! So...what you looking for today my good friend?

(Yorri turns to Lance).

You`re friend Mr. Jerry is very funny man.

(Lance quivers and nods in agreement).


Mr. Jerry needs a new suit my friend. Can you help him?

Drive-Thru Tailor

No problem my good friend. Please pull up to next window. Oh and say hello to all the kids and bitches for me. Goodbye Larka.


Goodbye my friend.
(Larka pulls up to the next window and receives a suit wrapped in plastic).


There you are Mr. Jerry...it's an exact fit, and all free my friend.
(Lance spits while he talks).


Thith is fa fa fun tha thir! And I tha think ya ya ya....Yorri's va very nice...golden titties!


Shut up Lance!


Why Lance...were you lookin' at me boobies honey?
(Yorri climbs over Jerry with her backside pushing against his face).


Oh jeez! Get your ass out of my face lady!


Na na no no. Sweet melon sucker!


Oh my! You are very handsome Lance! You look like a big fudgeicle! A big, tasty, sweet fudgeicle! Oh mon! I'm gettin hungry! You know...I can eat a fudgeicle in one bite Lance honey! How would ya like to come with me to me yoga lesson? Mmmm?
(Yorri squeezes Lance's face and thighs and shoves her breasts against his body).


I da...da...don't think ma...ma...ma...ma...ma...boss would like that miss Yorri.
(Lance is shaking from head to toe and can't take his eyes off of Yorri's breasts).


Yorri! How many times have I told ya to stay away from me fares!!! Please!


Please Larka, I'm just talkin to em. Lance honey...why Mr. Jerry so mean to everyone?


I know my ba ba boss says things sometimes, but he's really a ga ga ga great person. He's very generous. He just doesn't have too many pee pee people in his lalalaaaife...he lives alone with his ca ca ca cat spokes. I tata ta try to watch over him cause he's la la lonely.


Oh geez! Sha sha sha shut up Lance! I don't need anybody! And everyone knows I'm a nice guy. I'm a firm believer in helping people with problems. Take Lance for instance...he's nearly retarded but I still keep him around. And for Christ's sake lady! Just keep your trap shut for one second! Your ass and tits are rubbing all over everyone...it's disgusting! I just want to get out of this cab already!


Larka mon. I need to stop at Tastee Pops for a fudgicle!
(Yorri licks her lips with her tongue as she stares at Lance).


We're already at the drive-through window Yorri!
(Larka puts down his window).

Tastee Pops Drive Through Speaker Voice

Welcome to Tastee Pops...may I have your order please.

Four fudgicles please.


For Christ's sake! We don't have time for fudgicles! You promised we'd get to our hotel by 9:30!


And I will Mr. Jerry. We've got plenty of time...It's only 9:05...look at your watch.

(Both Jerry and Lance look at there watches and their eyes open wide as they realize only 5 minutes have passed since they met Larka).


It couldn't have been just 5 minutes...this is some kind of trick!!

I told you Mr. Jerry...I am the bestest fastest magical cab driver in New York! Enjoy your fudgicle Mr. Jerry.
(Larka smiles as he hands everyone their fudgicles).


Oh..I forgot to pass Mr. Lance his chilli fries..I know they're his favorite.
(Larka hands Jerry a big cardboard container of chilli fries).
(Lance's eyes open wide and he smiles from ear to ear as he takes the chilli fries).


Tha...tha tha...thank you Larka.


Well. We's at yer yoga class Yorri!

(Yorri puts the entire fudgeicle in her mouth and quickly swallows it all...including the stick).

Thank ya Larka. I can't take bein with that Jerry man any longer. Good bye Lance...It's been a pleasure dear.
(Yorri gives Lance a big kiss on the lips and then smothers Jerry with her back side as she makes her way towards the cab door).


Same to you lady! You're a few fries short of a happy meal! Justa leave already!


Ga ga goodbye Miss Yorri. I'll always remember...juicy butts.


Bye Lance...Larka. And Mr. Jerry...I'll say a prayer for ya. I know you're a good man.
(Yorri makes her way towards the door on Lance's side of the cab, and as she does, her breasts press press hard against his face pushing him back in his seat).

See ya later Yorri.
(Yorri opens the cab door and leaves).


That was disgusting Lance! I think I'm gonna puke! Can we just get going already?


We're already on our way Mr. Jerry. But first I must make another stop to pick up Uncle Solie!


What! Are you out of your frickin mind! That's it! I'm through! I'm getting out of this cab!
(Jerry tries to open the door but it doesn't work).

I'm calling the police if you don't let me out of this damned cab!
(Jerry pulls out his cell phone from his pocket but it is completely dead).

Lance, check your phone!


Ma ma ma mama phone is da dead sir! Bum tickler!


Relax Mr. Jerry...Mr. Lance. We at Uncle Solie's house and it only 9:10...so you have plenty of time.
(The door pops open on Jerry's side of the cab. A short thin man in a white suit, carrying a satchel with a leather rope tied around it, sits next to Jerry and then the door shuts. The short thin man stares at Jerry).

Uncle Solie

You're an ugly man...arncha? Larka, why ya takin ugly people in yer cab? I hates ugly people!


Hey buddy...(Uncle Solie interupts Jerry).

Uncle Solie

Hey buddy what? Whatcha gonna do...huh? I kill people like you fer fun so just shut yer mouth!


Mr. Jerry...Mr. Lance. Uncle Solie is really nice guy. He not really kill anyone.


What's wrong with him? Is he a retard or something?

Uncle Solie

See this here bag ugly? I could turn ya into a frog or an ant if I wanted to...so ya better watch yer mouth!


Are you like a...prick! Wa wa wa wizard Mr. Solie?

Uncle Solie

You mean a wand? Of course I have a wand...and I'm the best wizard around these parts!


Shut up Lance...just shut up for Christ's sake! This guy is just a crazy nut job. I thought that Yorri was a nut...but he takes the cake!

Uncle Solie

Now you got me mad! For that I'm gonna give ya a bad rash!
(Uncle solie unties his satchel and puts some shiny powder in the palm of his right hand).

(Jerry makes a snarly condescending face at Uncle Solie).

Ooooh! I'm really scared! Is that your magic powder!?

(Uncle Solie blows the powder in Jerry's face and Jerry swallows some of it and starts choking).

You son of a.....

Uncle Solie

Palonzie, zabola, palonzie, talooka, nooka, nooka, noo, noo!


Oh my...Mr. Jerry! You in trouble now. That Uncle Solie's famous Palonzie rash spell. If you not get antidote, then you will die!


That's crap! It was just a bunch of talcum powder.


No, no! First you get rash all over face...then your butt will burn very bad. Bad burning pain...then you die!


His butt!?


Yes, yes, yes! I heard that neighbors third cousin had this spell and had very bad burning butt for a week before she died!


Oh ma ma ma my!


Lance! Geez...you believe this crap...you're a total idiot!
(Jerry scratches his right cheek where a red blotch begins to erupt).


Pa pa paleez...Mr. Solie! Don't kill my ba ba...dirty ass wipe! He's really a na na nana nice man!

(Jerry continues to scratch his face and more blotches appear).


You're all crazy! That's it...you're all a bunch of crazy nutjobs! Especially you Lance...this is not the time to be talking about your personal hygeine problems for Christ's sake!

(Jerry scratches his butt with his right hand).


Mr. Jerry...it not too late! Please apologize to Uncle Solie!

(Jerry starts scratching his butt fervently). Jerry

What did you do to me!? My butt is burning really bad!

(Jerry starts crying).


It's burning...oh shit!


Please! Calm down Mr. Jerry! Uncle Solie...why you do that to Mr. Jerry...he nice man?

(Uncle Solie laughs and smiles).

Uncle Solie

Ah ha ha ha ha!

(Jerry continues to cry while itching his butt).


I'm all alone...I'm scared. I have nobody...my famely left me! All I have is Lance now...he'll be alone without me. And my work at the pie factory has been a failure. It looks like I'm not going to make it to the meeting. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!


Ya ya you've done a great job with the factory! The pa pies we make are gareat!!

(Jerry continues to cry and scratch his butt).


No Lance...the pie factory is bankrupt. The meeting we were going to was to sell it! I owe half a million dollars to the bank!


Nooooooooooooo! I love the factory! I love you sir! You ca ca can't do that!


I'm sorry Lance...I love you too.

(Jerry's face falls in Lance's lap).




Oh my...I knew this happen if Mr. Jerry bother Uncle Solie.

Uncle Solie

He had it comin!


I ca ca can't believe Jerry is da da dead! I never ga got a chance to tell him how much I la la la loved him. I wa wanted to ma marry him!

(Jerry starts moving, sits up, and looks at Lance).


Good ! I'll agree to it...now I can get rid of that maid. You do realize that you'll have to do all the cleaning and cooking...my diaper changings, and my afternoon baths.


You're alive! Butt licker!


Nothing to worry about Lance...it was just some gas. But stop yelling about my bad ticker...it's fine!


Delicious perfume odors sir! And you'd let me change your diapers...really! I'm getting tingles ja just thinking about it sa sir! Yes...yes! I'd do anything for you sa sir! I love you!


What about money!? How much do you have!?


My ma ma mother and father left me over 2 million. Is that okay?


Fine! It's a deal! Just quit slobbering all over me for Christ's sake!!!


It's a wa wa wonderful day! Can I smell your hair sir?

Uncle Solie

I always enjoy true love...you two made my day!


We at your meeting Mr. Jerry...and it only 9:15. I told you I bestest fastest magical cab driver!


I don't need to go to that meeting now! Once I marry Lance I can pay off the debt and keep the factory!


Yes..yes! You two lovebirds are in luck today! I not only the bestest fastest magical cab driver, but Justice of Peace too!
(Larka opens a lid under a boble head dancer on his dashboard and pulls out a marriage contract).

Uncle Solie

Just great...I love happy endings!

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10m Comedy Skits - Hey There Taxi Guy!