The Walk of Life

The Walk of Life

()   by Thom Goddard

Comedy Skits   (22282 Views 6 Comments)

Two people are walking along a path.
One is walking confidently with their head held high.
The other is hunched over, looking down at the ground.

They stop and Walker 1 looks at the bottom of their shoe.

1. Oh no, I can’t believe it! I’ve stepped in dog poo. Oh f...

2. Yuck! You weren’t looking where you were going.

1. Don’t be stupid, of course I was.

2. No, you weren’t.

1. It’s just I was also trying to find somewhere for us to rest. We must have walked 10 miles.

2. I think it’s closer to 11. Well?

1. Well, what?

2. Are you going to wipe that on this patch of grass?

1. Oh, I didn’t see that there. Thank you.

Walker 1 cleans their shoe and they set off again on their stroll.

1. As we’ve been walking, I’ve been thinking.

2. Oh yeah.

1. The way you and I walk is a metaphor for the way we live our lives.

2. Really? How so?

1. Well, look at you.

2. Me?

1. Yes, you. You keep your head down.

2. Do I?

1. Yes, always looking at the ground.

2. I like to look down.

1. You ALWAYS keep your head looking down.

2. It feels right to look down.

1. On this walk and in life, I bet.

2. Maybe... yes, I suppose you’re right.

1. Look up.

Walker 2 looks up and squints.

1. This is what you’re missing! The beauty of the world.

2. Erm...

1. You’re missing sunrises and sunsets, rain storms and rainbows...

2. Grime and slime? The dirt and hurt? The gutter and trash...

1. No! Come on, look up.

2. I think the sun’s in my eyes.

1. You’re missing out on the energy of the world - the joy when a child eats an ice cream, how even when someone you don’t know laughs it makes you smile and all the experiences life lets you enjoy.

2. Hmmmmm...

1. And you can’t see where you are going.

2. Of course, I can.

1. No, you see about 5 feet in front of you. And that’s it.

2. Well...

1. You can’t see what’s ahead, what opportunities are available and how you can grasp them.

2. Now you’re just depressing me.

1. Then look up! If you look down all the time then you won’t see, and enjoy, all the wonders of our incredible world.

2. Maybe... but look what you’re missing.

1. Me? I’m not missing out. I get to see everything.

2. Really?

1. Really!

2. Well, you didn’t see that dog mess you just stepped in.

1. Ewwww, yes.  PAUSE  And oh no! I just remembered... these are new shoes.

2. My point exactly.

1. Argh, did I get it all off?

Walker 1 shows the sole of their shoe to Walker 2.

2. It looks fine. But see, by looking up, and never looking down, you are tripped up all the time.

1. Tripping I don’t have a problem with, it’s this sh...

2. It’s like you said; on this walk and in life. By looking down and being cautious I avoid life’s pit-falls.

1. Maybe...

2. And you wouldn’t have seen that patch of grass to wipe it off on.

1. That’s certainly true.

2. You said a minute ago you think how we walk is how we live our lives.

1. It is.

2. I think it’s more than that - it’s how we view life.

1. What are you talking about?

2. Well, I live in the moment. I love what is right in front of me, what makes me happy right here, right now.

1. Maybe...

2. And you are always looking for the next great thing - be it an event, meeting or even fashion to follow.

1. That is definitely true.

2. Yes, I need to look up a bit more and see what the world has to offer.

1. I’m glad you now know it.

2. But you need to live more in the moment and enjoy what you have. Stop chasing what might happen and savor what is happening.

1. I think you might be right.

2. And you haven’t see this crack in the concrete...

Walker 1 trips and stumbles. Walker 2 catches their arm and stops them falling.

1. Thank you.

2. You’re welcome. That’s what friends are for.

PAUSE - while they think and continue walking.

2. Perhaps this is why we’re friends?

1. What is? Being together on this walk?

2. And in this life - we get the best out of each other.

1. How so?

2. Well, I’m always looking down, cautiously. Protecting us from the slippery situations that could ruin everything.

1. But you give up enjoying all the world has to offer.

2. Ah, do I? I have you who takes me to interesting and entertaining places. Who shows me the world.

1. And I have you who protects me from it’s dangers.

PAUSE - they both smile.

1. Oh look, there’s a place giving out free drinks!

2. Sounds fantastic, let’s go. Just watch out for that chewing gum someone’s just spat on the floor...


Comedy Type: Post date: Script Market:

Author's Message

"Please contact me through iComedyTV if you want to use this script. No contact = no permission"

Copyright Statement



Submitted by Christian Groot on Sat, 03/04/2017 - 07:37
Hello mr. Goddard, My name is Christian Groot and I am a Dutch film student of the Dutch Filmers Academy in Hilversum, the Netherlands. I'm a first years student and before the end of the year we have to make a movie for a final project. This movie can be a fiction of about 5 minutes. From school we have permission to use other people's scripts for the story. When I was searching for a story, I came past yours, and I really liked the story. I like the character development, the simple setting and the deep conversation. Would you like to give me permission to use your story for my final project of this year? Thank you in advance. Kind regards, Christian Groot - Texel, the Netherlands
Submitted by Thom Goddard on Sat, 03/25/2017 - 09:35
Hi Christian, no problem, of course you can use it. How can I refuse someone related to a Guardian of the Galaxy... I hope it's a great success. All best
Submitted by singleskits on Sun, 04/23/2017 - 12:53
I would like permission to use this skit for our singles club. It is clean and funny and has a message that all need to hear. Not clear on how to contact you. I signed onto and left you a message there as well. Jude Belter
Submitted by Thom Goddard on Fri, 04/28/2017 - 07:14
Hi Jude, thank you for your comments, please go ahead and use the sketch. I hope your group enjoy it. Best wishes
Submitted by ColleenDuffyFelix on Fri, 08/18/2017 - 08:58
Hello Thom. We are planning my Dad's 80th Birthday Bash and have been looking for a skit to perform. 'The Walk of Life' is so perfect! My sister and I ask your permission to perform this very poinent short play for our Dad at his party. Thank you!
Submitted by Thom Goddard on Fri, 08/18/2017 - 09:27
@ColleenDuffyFelix - of course you can. I hope it makes for a great day. All best!

Comedy Skits - The Walk of Life