Cash Cab Get's Held Up

Cash Cab Get's Held Up

(10m)   by mikolaj1953

Comedy Skits   (67355 Views 7 Comments)

CASH CAB GETS HELD UP Scene: A bank robber is trying to rob a bank but the bank is closed due to a federal holiday. So he tries another bank but it's also closed. He gives up and decides to hail a cab back to his neighborhood and he ends up in the Cash Cab. Host Ben Bailey: You are in the Cash Cab. It's a TV game show that takes place in my cab. I'm going to ask you questions all the way to your destination and for every right answer you will earn money, but for every answer you miss you will earn a strike and if you get 3-strikes you?re out, meaning I will pull over and kick you out. What do you say. Do you want to play?

Bank Robber: Hell yea let's play?

Bank Robber: So if I win do you guys write me a check?

Host Ben Bailey: No we have the cash right here in the cab. So you're going to Grand Central Station, that's 41 blocks from here so let's get started. Your first questions are worth $50.00 each.

First question: Who was the 35th president of the United States?

Bank Robber: John F. Kennedy.

Host Ben Bailey: That's right! You're on the board; next question?

Question: They were called the Barrow Gang back in the 30's and robbed banks throughout the Midwest. Who are they?

Bank Robber: That's easy; Bonnie and Clyde.

Host Ben Bailey: That's right; next question?

Question: The New York Giants play their games in what State?

Bank Robber: New Jersey.

Host Ben Bailey: That's right.

Question: Banks are closed on what day of the year?

Bank Robber: They're closed on all Federal Holidays but you're not closed so this is a stick up and I want all the money you have in this cab.

Scene: Bank robber pulls a gun requesting all the money within the Cash Cab. Ben Bailey empties all the cash in the Cash Cab and gives it to him; pulls over and lets him out as the camera crew films him running off with the cash. He's happy, waving all the money around and off into the darkness.

Host Ben Bailey: Another happy winner in the Cash Cab!

Comedy Type: Humor Type: Comedy Scene:
2 Person
Script Length: Post date: Script Market:

Author's Message

This is something that Saturday Night live might use and can change to their liking.

Copyright Statement



Submitted by Rachel Wilkinson (not verified) on Thu, 06/11/2015 - 04:09
I am in Forensics and I do Humorous interpretation, and i would like to use this piece.
Submitted by mikolaj1953 on Sun, 06/14/2015 - 04:16
Dear Rachel this has to be done in a video format and placed on Youtube which I believe will hit over a million viewers. I've checked on doing it myself and the cost is in the thousands! But if you have a better idea than go for it...
Submitted by Layla (not verified) on Sun, 01/31/2016 - 13:06
this feels like a bad fanfic but somehow I love it because BEN BAILEY FOR LIFE
Submitted by Mano (not verified) on Mon, 04/04/2016 - 09:18
Can i use this in a performance at my school? It's non-profit, it's for our school days.
Submitted by gevgev on Thu, 05/25/2017 - 10:18
Can I PLEEEAAAASSSEEE use this for my YouTube sketch? I will give you credit and link to your profile and/or this website?
Submitted by mikolaj1953 on Sun, 06/11/2017 - 07:06
Go for it and let me know when you are done. I would love to see it! Have fun with it!
Submitted by lexiedaniels561... on Tue, 11/07/2017 - 16:05
Could I use this piece for a school skit?

2 Person 10m Comedy Skits - Cash Cab Get's Held Up