mary's little bollocks of a lamb

mary's little bollocks of a lamb

(2m)   by gritt brewer

Comedy Skits   (8620 Views 0 Comments)

Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was non existent

so she kitted him out in P V C, for it was rain resistant

everywhere Mary went, it followed her around

rubbing up against her, making horny moany sounds

all day and every time, more vigorous than the last

Mary tried to force a smile, but she felt harassed

she said casserole, stop nuzzling my hole, as her frustration grew

it was then he bleated, want you to be my ewe


yeah baby I'm a black sheep, that ain't got any wool

but what i have for you, is one big sack full

you'll get fond, of my mutton wand, if you give it a go

she told her ovine marauder, he was out of order, and was determined to say no

but casserole was a handsome ram, it was hard not to be wooed

for once Mary, not her lambs, found herself in a stew


she relented, and they got wed in front of the local flock

settled in a cottage on a nearby hill of locks

they made a saucy D V D, they thought they would be minted

hooves and hands were rubbed in glee, they had many printed

all went wrong, cops came along, put casserole in custody

they charged him with three counts of humanality

Comedy Type: Humor Type: Script Length: Post date: Script Market:

Author's Message

this is a sensitive song about forbidden love

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2m Comedy Skits - mary's little bollocks of a lamb