

(5m)   by joines

Sitcoms/Stage Plays   (6886 Views 0 Comments)


(William Joines)


[In the kitchen of the Holhauser family………..Cindy, Gina's mother, is busy preparing the family's dinner………Gina is seated at the kitchen table talking to Albert who is standing in the background…]

Gina:    Did you have a good day Albert?

Albert:  Albert……good day……..Albert had a good day………Gina……….Gina have good day?

Gina:  Oh…….it was wonderful……….Thank you for asking Albert!

Albert:  The time is 5:15……..It is Tuesday…….The temperature is 81 degrees.

Gina:    Thank you Albert…..You're so smart!

Albert:   Thank you Miss Gina.

Cindy:   Honey…….Call your brother…….It's time for dinner.

Albert:    Call your brother…..Call your brother………

Gina:  I heard her Albert……..but thanks anyway………. What are we having?

Cindy:   Does it matter? Now get your brother…….Your father will be home any minute.

Albert:    Call your brother…..Call your brother………

[Gina leaves……..She is heard yelling for her brother….]

Albert:  Sam is coming……..Sam is coming…….Sam is coming……….

Cindy:   Yes Albert……..He'll be home  soon.

[Gina returns with her younger brother Brad….]

Cindy:   Wash up honey…..dinner's almost ready.

Albert:  Wash your hands Brad…….Wash your hands Brad……….

Brad:    Hey Albert.

Albert:   Hey Albert…….Hey Brad……..It's almost dinner…..Almost dinner……

[Cindy turns and stirs a pot on the stove……….5 minutes later, Sam enters carrying a briefcase….]

Cindy:   Oh hi honey……..didn't hear you come in.

[Sam looks over her shoulder in the pot on the stove……..]

Sam:     Smells great…….

Cindy:    Your favorite…….

Albert:    Your favorite……

Cindy:    Clam chowder……

Albert:   Clam chowder…….Sam's favorite……..Sam's favorite is clam chowder……

[Sam looks over at Albert…..then looks at Gina…..]

Sam:   Put him in the closet.

Gina:  Dad…….He's just happy to see you……..That's all.

Sam:  I don't care.  I don't want to look at him.

Albert:  Don't look at Albert……Don't look at Albert……….................................................................................................................

........................................................................................................................................................................................................... writer

Comedy Type: Humor Type: Comedy Scene:
1 Person
Script Length: Post date: Script Market:

Author's Message

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1 Person 5m Sitcoms/Stage Plays - Albert