Lady Gaga Is Tying The Knot (No, It's Not A Bondage Thing)

Lady Gaga Is Tying The Knot (No, It's Not A Bondage Thing)

(Unknown)   by arik1232

Funny Stories   (29244 Views 0 Comments)

You know, I'm in show business ? I park cars at the Chucky E. Cheese on Sunset Boulevard. So I hear thing, you know ? Industry inside information. And I heard through the grapevine that Lady Gaga is about to get married to her secret lover. What's his name...That guy...You know - whatever works for this joke. Yes ? that's right. Don't forget where you've heard it first. Now, it seems that the Lady is fantasizing on a white-wedding. You know what that means, right? A white-meat-only gown. It's the most expensive of its kind in the world: 8.50 bucks a pound, at your local supermarket ? Hey, they even slice it up for you and everything. The good people from Wonder Bread are responsible for the hair styling.

Now, for me, it's a good day in America, when the Supermarket becomes a fashion store. Why stay in the meat aisle? How about some cheese? Go for the French, why don't you? A little Camembert? Rub it under your chin, and behind your ears. See, you've just eliminated the perfumery, right there.

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Author's Message

Well that's my story of how I became a crack-addict, and how my mom abused me by tightning my diaper too much. In excatly that order, by the way.

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Unknown Funny Stories - Lady Gaga Is Tying The Knot (No, It's Not A Bondage Thing)