
I don’t really like clubbing and it’s mostly because I am very uncomfortable around a lot of peop

T = Tom Smith
L = Linda Smith
C= councellor

The apocalypse
Scene 1 Travis and Reon sitting at home playing Xbox


Half Hour Comedy
By Leo Du Lac

The fingerprints of koalas are indistinguishable from those of human beings.

I have GOT to get Dylan to like me! I mean, I am pretty - right? (Beat) That's not funny!

The Art of Comedy?

It seems in modern times that the world has become a big investment and a sort of dictatorship controlled by the power of money. With everything becoming about gaining as much for yourself that people seem to be losing track of the way a good script can touch someone while they have just commercial uses in mind. Sure there's ways to make profits out of the thing these days we call 'comedy' but the truth is that most people have forgotten the roots of comedy do you think Doug Naylor went out and created 1 script and all of a sudden it was huge? No comedy comes from experience.

The Kiss


I have a bit of an issue, that I'm an impulse buyer.
